Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kes si Bubbles dan kesan bulunya ke atas solat para penjaganya

A fellow close friend has enlightened us about the "fact" that a cat's loose fur may cause our prayers to be tidak sah (void). Because, a loose fur from an animal that is haram to be consumed is considered as bangkai (animal carcass).

Well, I had to say that I was a bit shocked and worried but at the same time intrigued as to why this information had never reached my knowledge before, of course knowing the fact that this is a hukum-hakam (rules) that is related to a very common activity such as having a pet, cat, at home, I mean, 3 in every 5 houses? I for once, strongly believe in, Islam is simple. Islam itu mudah dan memudahkan.

In fact, the hukum (rule) on neutering your pet is more widely debated and discussed. Much ado about neutering being haram, this particular loose fur is causing our solat menjadi tidak sah, man, this (!) this..should be widely discussed (at least) and made known to the muslim community.

Nevertheless, I began my quest for the truth this morning. Where else, googling. I just have to be sure. I have this one thing against the situation where these certain, gurus, yang suka meng-ada-ada-kan certain hukum for whatever reasons they have I wish not to express my annoyance here.

And based on my findings on the hukum within the institution of this country :

1. Jakim said, sah (non-void). Without any further explanation.

2. A more detailed outcome from a discussion done by a local blogger,
“Memastikan kedudukan nas-nas hadith yang bertentangan(antara yang menyebabkan berlakunya khilaf) dengan nas yang lebih kuat daripadanya sama ada dengan nas al-Quran ataupun hadith-hadith lain. Caranya ialah, dengan mengemukan sebanyak mungkin dalil as-Sunnah atau mentsabitkan ia dengan lebih sahih atau lebih menepati al-Usul dan lebih sesuai dengan hikmah(tujuan) tasyri’ atau lebih menepati objektif syariat yang umum dan menyeluruh.”
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Qatadah, di mana RasuluLlah s.a.w bersabda, ” Kucing itu tidak najis, ia termasuk haiwan yang berkeliling dalam lingkunganmu.” (HR yang berlima. Kata Tirmudzi:hadith ini hasan lagi sahih. Juga dinyatakan sahih oleh al-Bukhari)
With support of the hadith sahih above, our solat is still sah (non-void) within the presence of a loose fur of a cat.

Fellow blogger also mentioned that there is a possibility that Imam Syafie' during the time where he imposed the rule of a solat tidah sah due to the presence of bulu kucing (cat's loose fur), he may have overlooked the true hadith.

How is this possible according to him, is, Caliph Abu Bakar As Siddiq overlooked the 1/6 portion for a grandparent in "pembahagian harta dalam Islam (faraid)" even when he lived with Rasulullah and also one of those who are promised a life in heaven. He was corrected and he accepted and respected even more.

Same goes to Imam Syafie', tho' not promised by God a place in heaven, and especially when he did not live during Rasulullah's time, he was nevertheless our Imam and a scholar, but being a normal human being, there will always be a possibility that some things are overlooked during his quest for enlightenment.

Feed by Zali : Chaq, i agree.
"Berkata Imam Syafie Rohimahulloh Ta'ala, barang siapa taklid kepada orang tertentu di dalam mengharamkan sesuatu atau menghalalkannya sedangkan telah tetap hadis shoheh menyalahinya dan perbuatan taklid itu mencegah dia dari mengamalkan sunnah, maka sesungguhnya dia telah menjadikan orang yang ditaklidki itu menjadi Tuhan selain Allah Ta'ala, dia telah mengharamkan atasnya apa-apa yang telah dihalalkan oleh Allah. (Halil Muslim halaman 25)

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