Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dear God..Please keep difficult people away from me.

I think that they are not worth all the trouble of my effort and time. Amiin...

Sorrow, Success and Friends.

I recently put up a quiz in my facebook...

"True or false? It takes a good friend to share your sorrow but a greater one to share your success. "

It just so happen that all my life, I have been surrounded with friends who would gladly share their crying shoulders for my sorrows. I thank for that.
And I have also had but many encounters with those who gave me their cold shoulders over some of my achievements, tho these achievements are not even the ones that would usually be the type that they would write down in history, it's the kind that everyone have experienced before. This would usually go back to during my study years with one of my study group members, after the exam results came out, I happen to have scored better, the girl actually totally ignored me when we pass by each other in a quite corridor once, I was even smiling at her . I have always hoped that I will never be alone with her anywhere anymore. Kinda tough coz we were dorm mates. I have never told anyone in the study group about that. That is one example that I will always remember, courtesy of my pre-U year.

I may not be a big achiever, but there are at some points that I think I have made quite a personal achievement, which just so happen, news spread and some became a public knowledge among close friends. Sincerely, I'd rather not share personal achievements even with close friends. Just to avoid a sudden silence after they 'insincerely' responded to your news, next thing you know, you could be isolated. No more ritual gatherings whatsoever. Cold shoulders, you know, you will never want to be in this situation. It's cruel, yea, but it happens.

The next time you wish for a shoulder to cry on, try to think if it's your sorrow that is making them feel better...

To AyuIkhwani, her surrounding is that positive that her friends rejoice around the success. Dear friend, these are the friends you would like to keep and I am sincerely happy for you. Reading your blog brings smiles to my face.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Sick ! of Malaysian Politics.

The country's political arena sickens day by day. Clouding our 51st anniversary of independence in a mere few days...let alone, the beginning of the holiest month, Ramadhan, the next day.

‘Doa musnah sesama Islam’

PERMATANG PAUH 25 Ogos – Majlis solat munajat meminta kemenangan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Masjid Bandar Baru Perda malam semalam turut bergema dengan doa meminta ‘dimusnahkan’ Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Ketua Polis Negara, Peguam Negara dan pengadu kes liwat, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Doa yang dibacakan selepas solat Maghrib itu antara lain berbunyi: ‘‘Ya Allah... musnahkan Mohd. Saiful... (Tan Sri) Musa Hassan... (Tan Sri) Gani Patail... (Datuk Seri) Najib...”

Bacaan doa tersebut dipimpin oleh Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Dr. Badrul Amin yang bergema kuat melalui pembesar suara ke kawasan perumahan di sekitar masjid itu.

Mendoakan keburukan untuk orang lain adalah bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Rasulullah SAW melarang umatnya berdoa seperti yang dilaungkan di Masjid Bandar Perda itu.

Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat turut berceramah di masjid itu. Bagaimanapun beliau hanya tiba selepas waktu Isya dan tidak menyertai majlis doa munajat itu.

Ramai ahli Pas dari luar kawasan turut hadir di Masjid Bandar Baru Perda dan mereka melaungkan takbir bertalu-talu.

Majlis solat munajat Pakatan Rakyat turut diadakan di beberapa masjid lain sejak Jumaat lalu.

Pada masa yang sama Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) turut menganjurkan solat munajat di Masjid Jalan Baru, Seberang Jaya pada 23 Ogos diikuti di Masjid Mengkuang Titi semalam.

Menurut risalah PPIM yang diedarkan di masjid-masjid di Permatang Pauh, solat munajat adalah cara terbaik untuk mencari kebenaran tanpa mendoakan kemusnahan sesama Islam.

PPIM menekankan, jelas kini kemelut yang berlaku semakin menghimpit dan menimbulkan banyak tanda tanya selain tuduh menuduh dan kutuk mengutuk yang melibatkan seluruh masyarakat negara ini.

‘‘Lantaran itulah persatuan (PPIM) ingin mengambil langkah proaktif demi memelihara ukhuwah sesama umat Islam,” kata risalah itu.

Why oh why dear humans, you call yourselves muslims, bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh, we are no difference than the rich arab countries...fighting each other, giving the religion a bad name.
I can only imagine God's wrath looking down on us. i can also say that i miss our fourth prime minister, he did fight for the nation and religion (mahathir's selected letters to world leaders - book - explaining Islam and peace to the world leaders during/pre/post war against "terrorism" or rather...western world vs muslims. highly recommended.) but there is yet a real leader who is stronger than him, thus worth missing for.

Sumpah Saiful: Mufti sangkal dakwaan Imam Masjid WP

KUALA LUMPUR 25 Ogos – Dakwaan Imam Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, Ramlang Porigi bahawa sumpah Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan tidak mengikut syariat adalah tidak berasas kerana dibuat tanpa merujuk kepada mana-mana kitab.

Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Wan Zahidi Wan Teh berkata, adalah menjadi kesalahan yang besar sekiranya seseorang memperkatakan mengenai hukum agama berlandaskan akal fikiran semata-mata.

“Ia tidak ada mana-mana rujukan, hanya berdasarkan pendapat peribadi dan ini salah besar... bercakap hal hukum berasaskan fikiran sendiri adalah kesalahan yang besar dalam Islam.

“Hukum ini (bersumpah) adalah hukum Allah yang terdapat dalam al-Quran dan as-Sunah dan dihurai serta ditafsir dalam pelbagai kitab,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di pejabatnya di sini hari ini.

Beliau mengulas dakwaan Ramlang yang disiarkan beberapa laman web pro-pembangkang bahawa cara bersumpah Mohd. Saiful tidak boleh digunakan kerana tidak mengikut kaedah Islam.

Wan Zahidi berkata, Imam Ibnu Qayyim telah menjelaskan jika seseorang mahu memperkatakan mengenai hukum Islam, mereka mestilah bertanggungjawab terhadap Allah.

Katanya, bercakap mengenai hukum Allah dengan kepentingan lain selain daripada kebenaran adalah satu dosa yang amat besar.

“Malah dalam satu hadis ada diingatkan ‘sesiapa yang memberi fatwa dalam hal hukum tanpa merujuk kepada sumber ilmu yang muktabar, sedialah tempat (untuk mereka) dalam neraka’ kerana apa yang dicakapkan akan menjadi panduan masyarakat.

“Sebab itu apabila saya bercakap mesti ada kitab di depan saya. Tulisan saya ada rujukan, saya tak berani nak bercakap hatta melalui ingatan sahaja,” tegasnya.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, beliau turut menyatakan rasa sangsi dengan kebolehan Ramlang memahami kitab-kitab fiqh kerana ia memerlukan latihan khusus dalam bidang itu.

Katanya, jika latar belakang pengkhususan seseorang imam itu adalah dalam bidang tajwid, dia tidak semestinya layak memperkatakan mengenai hukum.

Ditanya adakah tindakan Ramlang itu telah mengelirukan masyarakat, Wan Zahidi berkata: “Saya nampak begitulah, dia tidak membuat apa-apa rujukan dan saya sangsi beliau boleh baca kitab fiqh.”

Mengenai dakwaan Ramlang telah diarah pihak atasan untuk menghadiri majlis bersumpah pada 15 Ogos lalu, Wan Zahidi menjelaskan, ia adalah prosedur biasa dalam pentadbiran sesebuah masjid.

Katanya, sebarang majlis yang berlangsung di masjid memerlukan kehadiran pegawai bagi tujuan membuat laporan kepada pihak pengurusan.

Sementara itu, Wan Zahidi mengulangi pendirian bahawa sumpah yang dilafazkan Mohd. Saiful Bukhari sebagai harus dan tidak bercanggah dengan syariat Islam sebagaimana pendapat ulama seperti Al-Allamah Abu Bakar Othman Muhammad Syatta al-Dimyati al-Bakri dalam kitabnya, Hasyiah l’anah al-Talibin.

Katanya, Abu Bakar dalam kitab itu menjelaskan bahawa sumpah atau ‘yamin’ terbahagi kepada dua iaitu dalam perbicaraan di mahkamah dan kedua, di luar perbicaraan.

“Dalam bahagian kedua ini, sumpah sah dilakukan oleh seseorang yang mukalaf dengan pilihan sendiri.

“Perkara yang menjadi objek sumpah pula ialah perkara yang lalu atau yang akan datang, manakala perkara yang digunakan untuk bersumpah ialah nama Allah dan sifat-sifatnya dengan didahului oleh huruf qasam iaitu ‘waw’, ‘ba’ dan ‘ta’,” katanya.

Imam yg sepatutnya memimpin...
like wana said, if he was sincere at all, why does he need to make the announcement under the certain political flag? Was that Saiful coming out and confession backed up and lobied by another flag? Why is it so hard for this Anwar to swear his innocence? Under God's name? his mother's name? If he is innocent.

If this so-called imam has his own prejudice, he should not be a witness at all. "He was forced to" ??? Was he even forced to say, "Sah! " at that time? Why did he not say, "Tak sah!" ?? Was there a knife at his throat? Even if so, shouldn't he "berani mati kerana benar?" Wahai Imam Perigi, si talam dua muka. Wahai imam Perigi, if it is not valid and teach us how so thru this Anwar.

Sick people playing such aggressive parts in the country. Many people took significance in these people's actions. Swearing in the name of God (valid - invalid issues) now sounds like a joke to the eyes of the non-muslims. If I am in the truth, why oh why should i be afraid.

I quote, "None is fit. But we have no choice. It is a situation of voting for who is "less-worse" than the other."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pathetic denial.

Pas dakwa sumpah Mohd. Saiful tidak ikut Islam

16/08/2008 11:51am

IPOH 16 Ogos - Pas mendakwa sumpah yang dilafazkan oleh Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan tidak mematuhi hukum Islam sebenar dan merupakan satu kebodohan.

Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, lafaz sumpah itu dengan memegang al- Quran adalah sama macam orang Kristian yang memegang bible. Oleh itu katanya, Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak perlu menyahut cabaran untuk bersumpah.

``Dia (Mohd. Saiful) patut di bawa ke Mahkamah Syariah dan kembali kepada Perkara 121 (1)(A) kerana perkara yang berkait dengan orang Islam wajib di bawah ke Mahkamah Syariah," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini. - Utusan a stage 4 cancer patient in denial.

"I solemnly swear, in the name of Allah the Almighty, and holy book of Quran and all its content.."

Which portion of the above statement that is not "Islam" ?

So what if there are Christian's common statements and common action as in holding the Quran? The christians say "Amen" and we say "Amin" as in "semoga dimakbulkan Tuhan", and we did not even mention "Allah" in there, so what makes the word, "Amin", more valid than his solemn swear above?

@Hadi Awang - where is your respect towards the name of God, Allah, and the holiness of Quran?

With Saiful Bukhary's swears, I strongly believe that this Anwar is as guilty as charged.

Friday, August 15, 2008

How to be closer to Allah..(and they say..)

Do not spend your life in empty endeavors and your time in idle talk
Find the right friend
Look for a perfect teacher who will lead you on the straight path.
Cleanse your heart
Eat less
Cleanse and beautify your days and nights with worship.

I talk a lot, i crack jokes on other people, i talk bad behind other people, i watch movies, i go to the cinemas, i listen to music, i love mcD and i can eat two burgers at one time, i eat a lot, among all other things that i do - my God, am i do I refrain myself from doing all these things. i can't immediately refrain myself, i'd rebel i might retaliate do i cleanse myself, how do i cleanse my heart, i cant stop talking, i can't stop joking, i cant stop socializing..i can't isolate myself..i treasure my social circles...i can't give them the impression of in my quest to see the light, i kinda want to be alone coz you kinda drag me away from the right, friends are my 'neighbours'...God says, be nice to your neighbours..

So my dearest neighbours,

- Let us start with..
being thankful for having been born as a muslim - as much as it is sometimes hard for us to comply to all the rukun islam, it is actually much harder for a non-muslim to see the light, and kalau rukun islam pun susah, what if we were born as non-muslims? Despite the latest fashion, the mainstream lifestyle..will there be any firm chance that God will throw His light to all of us? Thank God, I am born as a muslim. Will sujud syukur for this, why not, start with after semayang lepas baca doa..when we're alone in our rooms..

- Let us start with.. menghayati kebesaran Tuhan..our full functioning limbs..the legs we use in every smooth step we take, the tongue we use to taste and to speak..the hands and full fingers we have to enable us to type on the carry the answer our lift our water bottle to drink (and many more)..let us be thankful to that..

- then, let us use our brains, just a every hour of everyday that we communicate to each other..we tell stories, we joke around, we laugh, we eat, we socialize, we use our give tongue to talk about other people...let us once, or twice, think of Him, who has grant us with all these, and say his Name, praise the Lord, remember Him.
As we look at our hands and fingers, let at least terdetik in our heart, Thank you, God...for my perfect functioning eyes i use to look at my hands now, to see the road im walking, to see the beautiful men and women and cars and bikes, my legs for me to walk to work, to run to keep me fit, to squat in the hands and fingers to lift pour and lift a glass of water to drink ..and to clean myself..all by myself..Thank you, God.
and the more we savour ourselves in these life's little things...and the rest will come naturally..

-eventually, we spend more time thinking of God's mercy and greatness
-eventually, we say His name and praise Him more often..

we won't need to refrain ourselves from...spending ourselves in empty endeavours and our time in idle will eventually come when we spend more time savouring the things we enjoy in life..
we won't need to refrain ourselves from eating too much..

the cleanse and beautify process, everything that is good, eventually take place..from the moment we be savour the fact of being thankful to be born as a muslim.

Strictly from my point of view on one of the ways to be closer to Allah.

Much ado about enlightenment.

My sis just enrolled in UTP. I find that, one of the things that never changed is how "Rakan Masjid" will try their best to go against a number of University events. I had the same experience in my university years, in fact, same experience once in a while until now. My ex-best friend for instance. Just why, oh why, couldn't these people approach in a more pleasant and ilmiah way? What is with the guerrilla way? If you nak berdakwah, bukan caranya bila dimulakan dengan bercakap pasal benda-benda negatif. Bukan caranya, bila dimulakan dengan pin-pointing other people's weaknesses, other people's bad things. Other events or celebration jahiliyah, perli-perli orang lain yg tak join majlis-masjlis agama. I personally do not think that it is right to start a dakwah or approaching your friends with stressing on how they live their lives. It's not that it is bad, but it is in fact will repel those around you from you.

Why not, start your dakwah, in your quest to fix your friends, with penghayatan kebesaran Allah? His Kursi. His givings, His forgiveness, His greatness. Start your quest dengan menghayati kebesaran Tuhan. Bukan cuba menghentam kawan2, terus tegur macam-macam, cakap banyak, buat banyak benda-benda lagho, makan banyak, banyakkan sembahyang sunat, jangan dok bergelak banyak-banyak sangat etc..sebab kita semua makhluk tuhan yg lemah. Memang we endeavour ourselves in all these things, any things that we feel to bring us joy. These are the things that fall into the grey area. (pakai tudung, sembahyang, adultery are some of the examples of clear cut rules, not in the grey area). For touching these things that fall in the grey area, kalau tak kena gaya, jadi sensitive, in the end, your companionship yang jadi unpleasant. Not everyone has seen the light like you thought/feel you do. So jangan la approach kawan-kawan style guerrilla.

Why is it so, that when a person thought that or feels like he/she has seen the light, (he/she) they tend to see themselves as superior than other people? The tudung bulat clad women, pandang org lain sebelah mata, or tak pandang langsung. (you thought you have seen the light..or maybe you are doing it out of boredom, most probably you will be sidetracked, majlis ilmu ke mana, apa ke mana when you are married and almost everything is about your spouse. daripada dok condemn wayang, husband punya pasai, aku nak tengok sikit, hampa p dak all these wayang, swimming, and shopping complexes? bukannya p terkinja-kinja di open air concert, bercampur+bersentuhan lelaki-perempuan. hidup mesti wasatiah. takdak salahnya nak p shopping complex or tengok wayang. The key is wasatiah, ada time kita tengok wayang, ada time kita ingat Tuhan. Sambil tengok wayang pun boleh ingat Tuhan jugak. Awat, sa-kata dah berjinak-jinak dengan majlis agama, dah start pandang orang lain tak sebagus engkau tu bagus lah??)

Do they really think that they have seen the light or by sharing some out of mainstream messages make them feel "lebih baik" than other people. I tend to sense positive or negative vibes around me, there are people who can approach us with sincerity, and there are those who..just can't trigger the positive emotion. I welcome goodness, I welcome information, ilmu, there are 'majlis agama' that I enjoy, but I just despise the feeling of negative vibes i get from certain type of individuals.

I strongly belief that there is a difference is seeing the light and still searching for the light. Many may not realize it. But if ever, you thought you are superior than one single person, then, my dear, you have not seen the light.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And the new hires..

nevertheless, I am still amazed at how, this company managed to hire such courteous people. I mean, people with significant manners...saying thank u with sincerity, hardly raising their voices, placing requests politely. I'm sincerely amazed when I liaised for the first time with one new hire just this afternoon. Low voice, polite and saying thank you in, i can't imagine if he could express any more sincerity in his tone and gestures.

I am not taking this for granted and planning to retire here. But I kinda get to thinking, in God's most gracious ways He grants us with life's pleasures and we often take the life's little pleasures for granted. I forgot to contemplate that despite me, being weak and sinful, if it was not for God's will, His most gracious, that I am currently blessed with these courteous people around me, making my life easier and constantly keeping the faith in me, (despite the Serbian-Bosnian ethnic cleansing and Hindraf) there is still goodness among the different races in this country. Praise the Lord, His most gracious, may we prosper and blessed with harmony.

Turnover rate

There is quite a high turnover rate here in the current company I'm working in. They usually say that it is a phase (much like a trend) where people resigned here and there around you. But in this company, particularly, the trend has been going on since January (that i can remember of) until 8 months going 9. So many management folks leaving, their ratio is as significant as the number of engineers who left. So is it a trend? I think I would say, it is usually a trend, but not in this company, it's not.

Reason being, from my point of view, the people we hire, from engineers to the management, are still young, and yet, they were already involved in such a big project setting up a new company, multiple projects in their tasks list, holding high and important position so...tak payah goreng pun time interview, other companies are more than willing to pay up these people's bonds and offer them a job, with much better pay and higher positions, leaving the older management folks who have decided to settle down and retire in this company. These young guns are like pisang goreng panas. Experience does matter, literally, either way.