Tuesday, December 26, 2006

it's the same..

ever wonder why some things hurt us so much..

if you love someone..so deep, you tend to be hurt as deep as your love?

and some tend to hurt the person back, in favour of the pain. so maybe, we can see an abusive marriage from a different point of view...how does a man channel his pain or anger? would it make sense to you if he said, "i'm sorry..for hitting you..i don't know how to explain, but it's because i love you.." to me, it's true.

arguments happen in marriage. you might have triggered him and he might have triggered your anger. it's unavoidable. yea, well, prevention is better than cure. but i really believe that this does not apply in marriage. there is no such thing as preventing any possibilities of triggering your partner's anger. there will be, disagreements, debates, arguments and fights. it's..anger, and hurt management..

Its the people we love most who are capable to hurt us the most..
so..not to love someone too deep, so you won't get hurt too bad in return?


Ayu Ikhwani said...

if you love someone..so deep, you tend to be hurt as deep as your love?

*I'm sad*

so..not to love someone too deep, so you won't get hurt too bad in return?
Betul ke?

j1da said...

unfortunately, ayu, i dont believe it is possible to control the 'depth' of your love. it happens beyond your control. unfortunately again, the more we push it away, the more we're hurt. but then, alah bisa tegal biasa..but 'pada' jugak la nk alah bisa tu..

so, back to square one, back to God ;)