Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another joke from Utusan Malaysia

Utusan Malaysia - 11 Oct 07

Hukuman peragut 31 Oktober

KUANTAN 10 Okt. – Seorang peragut mengaku bersalah di Mahkamah Majistret hari ini atas tuduhan menyebabkan kematian seorang jurujual di sebuah pusat membeli-belah di sini tahun lalu.

Norman Mohamad, 24, dari Kempadang Perdana di sini membuat pengakuan itu ketika tuduhan ke atasnya dibacakan.

Dia dituduh menyebabkan kematian Ng Chiew Lim, 25, dengan kasar dan cuai.

Norman melakukan kesalahan itu di kawasan tangga, No. 8, Berjaya Megamall, Jalan Tun Ismail, di sini antara pukul 7 dan 7.30 petang pada 6 Ogos.

Tertuduh didakwa melakukan kesalahan mengikut Seksyen 304A Kanun Keseksaan, jika disabit kesalahan boleh dihukum penjara maksimum dua tahun, didenda atau kedua-duanya.

Norman yang tidak diwakili peguam bela turut mengaku bersalah atas satu tuduhan berasingan iaitu melakukan rompakan di tempat dan waktu yang sama.

Bagi tuduhan itu, dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 393 akta yang sama, yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun dan denda atau kedua-duanya.

Majistret Nor Zaihan Mohd. Ali menetapkan 31 Oktober ini bagi menjatuhkan hukuman untuk kedua-dua pertuduhan.

Pendakwaan dikendalikan pegawai pendakwa, Cif Inspektor T. Murugesu.
Mengikut rentetan kejadian, tertuduh didakwa membunuh Chiew Lim, tetapi pihak pendakwaan kemudian mengurangkan tahap dakwaan.

pengajaran : jangan meragut dgn kasar dan cuai.


yasmin said : obviously...there is a person...up north from celestica...does not have anything to do...:) ehhehee...tak daq keja ka jida...baca satu satu ayat paper nie...:)

farah replied : kekekekekekekeke...dia mood raya dah k/min..


farah said : Dia menyebabkan kematian seorang wanita tetapi hanya dikenakan hukuman penjara..??? Itupun bukan untuk seumur hidup???!!! Di manakah keadilan di dunia ini???!!!

and i replied : tu la. penjara ja. menghabihkan duit tax payers mcm kita.

looks like he is charged like a doctor being charged, cuai dan kasar dlm melakukan 'kerja' sehingga menyebabkan kematian 'pesakit' . ha, kalau dah kena charged style 'membunuh tanpa niat' mcm nie..xkan nk kena gantung sampai mati kan..kalau sebat pun, dikhaskan utk rapist..(they think its the best and good enough coz at least the convicted's dick is still in tact)

hmm..but mengedar dadah pun kena gantung sampai mati jugak..but then same argument, depa bukannya 'membunuh' dgn niat..juai utk bg org syok, tak kasar, tak cuai yg consume tu ja la yg kena pandai2 guna..also, bukannya addicts tu terbunuh pun..high jaa...maybe aids la..but still, addicts tu punya salah jugak, guna la sterilized needles...but then these dealers are charged with gantung mandatori..oh, i know, because the gov saw that these dealers 'membunuh' the country resources...i see, i see...ok la, boleh terima..i agree (duh)

but, in this news? is it because pompuan tu just another jurujual, (tak affect sgt country's resource) so dia boleh penjara saja? or maybe because pompuan nie bukan adik beradik, wife or anak of the judge? i wonder.

to all peraguts ! make sure u guys meragut bukan dgn cara yg kasar and make sure tak cuai sampai menyebabkan kematian. kalau tak nnt kena penjara dua tahun maksimum (maximum lagi tu..), didenda atau kedua-duanya.
so, kalau rasa2 mcm business meragut nie going down hill, buleh la turn yourselves in to the cops, kalau xdak sapa2 mati, maybe buleh dapat mkn+minum free kat dlm penjara, kurang dr 2 tahun. boleh la tu, by the time hampa boring, dah buleh keluaq dah. sambil2 kat dlm penjara tu, maybe buleh dpt tips from peragut2 yg kena penjara 2 tahun on the types of kekasaran and kecuaian during meragut sampai buleh mati tu..

i'm full of negative energy. i need a break !!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

kalau la aku jadi anak sulung rafidah aziz...

tak pasai2 satu malaya dah tau umoq aku..

Rafidah anggap remeh -- Isu Azalina tanding Ketua Wanita UMNO


KUALA LUMPUR 8 Okt. – Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz menegaskan, sokongan
terbuka UMNO Bahagian Cheras kepada Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Seri Azalina
Othman Said untuk menentangnya dalam pemilihan Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO pada
pemilihan parti akan datang adalah ‘perkara remeh’.

Rafidah yang memimpin Wanita UMNO sepanjang 19 tahun sejak 1984, dengan hanya terlepas kepimpinan pergerakan itu selama empat tahun kepada Datuk Dr. Siti Zaharah Sulaiman antara 1996 dan 2000, enggan memberikan komen panjang lebar mengenai sokongan terhadap Azalina.
Katanya, beliau tidak berpeluang membaca laporan muka depan akhbar Utusan Malaysia hari ini mengenai isu sokongan terhadap Azalina kerana sibuk

‘‘Saya tidak mahu komen. Isu itu terlalu remeh untuk diperkatakan. Saya tiada komen.

‘‘Saya pun tidak baca surat khabar lagi sebab bermesyuarat sehari suntuk di Putrajaya bersama Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,’’ katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini petang ini.

Rafidah berkata demikian ketika ditanya mengenai sokongan UMNO Bahagian Cheras yang
disuarakan oleh Ketua UMNO bahagian itu, Senator Datuk Wira Syed Ali Alhabshee
supaya Azalina dicalonkan bertanding jawatan Ketua Wanita UMNO dalam pemilihan
parti akan datang.

Menurut Syed Ali, Azalina, 44, merupakan calon yang layak untuk menerajui dan membawa pembaharuan kepada sayap UMNO itu kerana menteri Kabinet yang mempunyai latar belakang bidang undang-undang itu adalah ‘seorang yang berpendirian serta berani dalam berpolitik’.

Azalina ketika mengulas sokongan tersebut semalam menyatakan keutamaannya pada masa ini adalah untuk mengekalkan kedudukannya sebagai ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO.

Pemimpin yang masih bujang itu berkata, adalah terlalu awal untuk beliau memberi sebarang
kenyataan mengenai soal pemilihan parti.

Rafidah, yang anak sulungnya kini telah pun berusia 41 tahun, menjadi Ketua Wanita UMNO pada tahun 1984 pada umur 41 tahun selepas mengalahkan Datin Paduka Zaleha Ismail (kini Tan Sri) dengan kelebihan 71 undi.

Pada pemilihan 1996, beliau yang pernah menjadi pensyarah ekonomi di Universiti Malaya tewas kepada Siti Zaharah ketika mempertahankan jawatannya, tetapi bangkit semula dalam politik UMNO dengan menumpaskan Siti Zaharah dalam pemilihan merebut jawatan itu pada 2000.

Rafidah menjadi Ahli Parlimen sejak tahun 1978, sepenggal sebagai wakil rakyat kawasan Selayang sebelum memenangi kerusi Parlimen Kuala Kangsar selama enam penggal berturut-turut.

Sementara itu, Naib Ketua Wanita UMNO, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil menegaskan, beliau tidak pernah berubah dengan pendirian politiknya iaitu menyokong Rafidah sebagai ketua sayap UMNO itu.

‘‘Prinsip saya dalam perjuangan politik ialah saya tidak lawan ketua. Saya tetap menyokong Rafidah sebagai Ketua Wanita UMNO,’’ ujar Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan

Apa yang paling penting, tegas Shahrizat, ialah Pergerakan Wanita UMNO yang mempunyai keahlian lebih satu juta itu perlu dipastikan berada dalam keadaan stabil dan berupaya menjalankan tugasnya menjelang pilihan raya umum akan datang.

‘‘Pergerakan Wanita UMNO begitu stabil sekarang dan menumpukan 100
peratus perhatian kepada kerja-kerja pilihan raya.

‘‘Soal pemilihan parti tidak menjadi perhatian kami,’’ tambah Shahrizat.

Ketua Wanita UMNO Bahagian Ampang, Dr. Rozaidah Talib juga berada di belakang Rafidah. “Adalah tidak manis bagi sesiapa menyatakan hasrat bertanding jawatan Ketua Wanita UMNO sedangkan pemimpin sedia ada tidak memberi sebarang petanda mahu mengundurkan diri,”

Rozaidah yang merupakan Ahli Parlimen Ampang menyifatkan langkah UMNO
Bahagian Cheras menyatakan sokongan terhadap Azalina seakan-akan mahu
menyingkirkan Rafidah.

‘‘Cakap-cakap macam itu seolah-olah hendak singkirkan Ketua Wanita UMNO sedangkan beliau tidak memberi petanda mahu mengundurkan diri.

‘‘Kami tetap menyokong Rafidah. Kami masih menghormatinya dan mahukan pemimpin seperti beliau terus memimpin Wanita UMNO,’’ katanya.

Rozaidah menambah, dalam hal ini, beliau tidak menentang Azalina tetapi memikirkan mengenai pentingnya hierarki parti yang sedia ada dihormati.

Azalina ialah bekas Ketua Puteri UMNO yang bertanggungjawab menubuhkan Puteri UMNO pada tahun 2000 sebagai satu inovasi pendekatan bagi memberi peluang kepada wanita muda Melayu menyertai parti itu.

Beliau dipilih sebagai Ahli Parlimen Pengerang dalam pilihan raya umum 2004. Selepas pilihan raya itu, pada usia hanya 40 tahun, bintang politiknya menyinar apabila beliau terus dilantik menganggotai Kabinet Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Sungguhpun latar belakang Azalina itu memberikan tarikan kepada politik, Rozaidah berkata: ‘‘Mereka (pemimpin Wanita UMNO sekarang) masih ada di situ. Oleh yang demikian, perkara ini (menyuarakan perebutan jawatan) adalah sesuatu yang tidak manis.’’

Utusan difahamkan, Exco Wanita UMNO mengadakan pertemuan dengan Abdullah di Putrajaya hari ini.

itu tak manis, ini tak manis..what a joke.

apa salahnya kalau ada healthy least yg ada di atas tu tak la leka and take her position and responsibilities for granted.

kes mengundi pun nk kena jadi cat it like a tennis game, your opponent made a darn good shot against lady-B and lady-B applaused together with the crowd (seeing women at their best, rational and in control, watch tennis. they play like men, not only physically, but most importantly is indeed a professional game.)

p/s : despite men being the worst part of the species, gosh, we really cant eliminate all of them, can we. i cant imagine what the world be being monopolized by emotions and sometimes having to deal with decisions on non-rational basis...look around us ladies, whom do you want, lady boss or zamri? :p (my prev job's boss..he's the best ! )

...and oh, some women, don't they try so hard to look important, sometimes against their own kind..

and speaking of the news reporting :

rafidah is right, at the moment, what is there to comment when azalina wants to compete against her, soalan yg remeh, aku dok busy meeting soal negara, hampa dok mai tanya soalan2 gosip remeh mcm nie. but azalina is not remeh, let's compete healthily..(and then these ladies yg jadi para penyokong are starting some sort of cat fights..oh get a grip !) (and also the reporters, either they not able to understand what rafidah meant or did not comprehend it correctly, or just love to stir some gossip, created such headlines..check the first paragraph in the news, u know what i mean. after all, it's UTUSAN MALAYSIA, for crying out skate. and we are allowing these people to shape the minds of malaysians..

first para by utusan malaysia,
KUALA LUMPUR 8 Okt. – Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz menegaskan, sokongan terbuka UMNO Bahagian Cheras kepada Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said untuk menentangnya dalam pemilihan Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO pada pemilihan parti akan datang adalah ‘perkara remeh’.

what she actually said, ‘‘Saya tidak mahu komen. Isu itu terlalu remeh untuk diperkatakan. Saya tiada komen."

at least, that's what i think now..maybe rafidah will gv more opinion tomorrow..

why is that that we suka sikap berpuak-puak. compete la mcm biasa. azalina menang, rafidah tepuk tangan. rafidah menang, azalina tepuk tangan. ni puak rafidah kata..tak manis itu, tak manis ini..( wtf? id be so stress being their daugther...manis2 nie semua style mcm berjalan terkepit2 mcm nk p toilet..kalau jln2 laju sket or a little off inhibition nie tak manis....huh) ..kalau saya la, saya takkan..bla bla bla..aku la baguih, puak aku la baguih....gawd ! if you have the confidence and rational, you should welcome all sorts of challenges and compete healthily, then u'll know who's the best. takkan nk tunggu tuan/puan ketua menunjukkan tanda2 nk retire baru nk menaikkan org bawahan yg boleh bawak that time, probly renaissance tu dah tak sesuai utk her target group (just an example, not saying who's good and who's not)..ini bukan sistem hierarki kerajaan england..tunggu bonda permaisuri mangkat baru charles yg dah tua bangka tu nk naik..

p/s : rafidah is such a strong woman, my dad ckp, kalau kat negara lain, dia dah boleh jadi perdana menteri dah..azalina is no dummy either..


Thursday, October 04, 2007

About the joint prayers - marina mahathir

emailed to my buddies - aku tak jumpak la email yg mana satu ntah pasai joint prayers marina mahathir hari tu nk reply balik today. anyways, having to measure pro and cons of all possible actions to my ownself, as i said to wana, aku tak boleh nk komen anything to that email at that time. but today, here goes..

below is a portion of an article i read at raja petra's blog (his blog is pretty aggressive, and i am just picking up things that suit my mind and judgement), just to share with you guys on his comment about the 'joint prayers' situation, which i pretty much agree.

"Recently, Marina Mahathir organised inter-faith prayers for
Tun soon after he went under the knife. As expected, I received a few phone
calls from extremely upset people who did not approve of inter-faith events such
as these and I told Marina about it. Tun’s well-wishers of the other (non-Islam)
faiths had wanted to offer their prayers for Tun’s well-being. Marina could of
course have given them the ‘normal’ Malay response: your religion is a fake and
not the true religion like Islam so keep your prayers to yourself, we do not
need them. But she did not. In fact, most of those upset about this
‘joint-prayer’ session had exactly that in mind: how could Marina agree to
‘merge’ Muslim prayers with that of non-Muslims when we believe in different

Nevertheless, being the true diplomat that Marina is, instead of
shooting down their religions and sending them off with insults in tow, she
cordially organised an inter-faith prayer session so that those subscribing to
the other faiths could offer their prayers in whichever manner they felt was
their way of reaching God. It was not a joint-prayer session in the manner that
all prayed together. Each faith held separate prayer sessions, one after
another, so it was not a ‘merger’ of faiths as such."

It would be very enlightening if somebody has a different opinion or 'solution' to be shared..we might be doing what we think is best, but everybody is created with different skills, thus different approach to certain issues, and solutions are meant to be discussed and shared. those yg jahil should be brought to the know, dgn cara yg ilmiah, not just pakai hentam mcm aku-lah yg serba bagus style.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The verse of the Throne

We won't know if fadhilat ayat kursi as written below is 100% correct, nevertheless, the translation, bears the power of the Almighty...keep our faith and be safe.

Ayat ini diturunkan setelah hijrah. Semasa penurunannya iatelah diiringi oleh beribu-ribu malaikat kerana kehebatan dankemuliaannya. Syaitan dan iblis juga menjadi gempar kerana adanya satuperintang dalam perjuangan mereka. Rasullah s. a. w. dengan segeramemerintahkan Zaid bt sabit menulis serta menyebarkannya.**
*Sesiapa yang membaca ayat Kursi dengan khusyuk setiap kaliselepas sembahyang fardhu, setiap pagi dan petang, setiap kali keluarmasuk rumah atau hendak musafir, InsyaAllah akan terpeliharalah dirinyadari godaan syaitan, kejahatan manusia, binatang buas yang akanmemudaratkan dirinya bahkan keluarga, anak-anak, harta bendanya jugaakan terpelihara dengan izin Allah s. w. t.
*Mengikut keterangan dari kitab"Asraarul Mufidah" sesiapa mengamalkanmembacanya setiap harisebanyak *18 kali* maka akan dibukakan dadanya dengan berbagai hikmah,dimurahkan rezekinya, dinaikkan darjatnya dan diberikannya pengaruhsehingga semua orang akan menghormatinya serta terpelihara ia darisegala bencana dengan izin Allah. Syeikh Abu Abbas ada menerangkan, siapayang membacanyasebanyak 50 kali lalu ditiupkannya pada air hujan kemudian diminumnya,InsyaAllah Allah akan mencerdaskan akalfikirannya serta Fadhilat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-Hadis Rasullullahs. a. w. bersabda bermaksud:
"Sesiapa pulang ke rumahnya serta membaca ayat Kursi, Allah hilangkan segala kefakiran di depan matanya."
Sabda baginda lagi;
"Umatku yang membaca ayat Kursi 12 kali pada pagi Jumaat, kemudian berwuduk dan sembahyang sunat dua rakaat, Allah memeliharanya daripada kejahatan syaitan dan kejahatan pembesar."
Orang yang selalu membaca ayat Kursi dicintai dan dipelihara Allah sebagaimana DIA memelihara Nabi Muhammad. Mereka yang beramal dengan bacaan ayat Kursi akan mendapat pertolongan serta perlindungan Allah daripada gangguan serta hasutan syaitan. Pengamal ayat Kursi juga, dengan izin Allah, akan terhindar daripada pencerobohan pencuri. AyatKursi menjadi benteng yang kuat menyekat pencuri daripada memasuki rumah. Mengamalkan bacaan ayat Kursi juga akan memberikan keselamatan ketika dalam perjalanannya. Ayat Kursi yang dibaca dengan penuh khusyuk, Insya-Allah, boleh menyebabkan syaitan dan jin terbakar. Jika anda berpindah ke rumah baru maka pada malam pertama anda menduduki rumah itu eloklah anda membaca ayat Kursi 100 kali, insya-Allah mudah-mudahan anda sekeluarga terhindar daripada gangguan lahir dan batin. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat tidurnya, Allah mewakilkan2 orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu, ia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah hingga sembahyang yang lain. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, tidak menegah akan dia daripada masuk syurga kecuali maut, dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak tidur, Allah memelihara akan dia ke atas rumahnya, rumah jirannya & ahli rumah2 di sekitarnya. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi diakhir tiap-tiap sembahyang Fardhu, Allah menganugerahkan dia hati-hati orang yang bersyukur perbuatan2 orang yangbenar, pahala nabi2 juga Allah melimpahkan padanya rahmat. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka Allah mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya, mereka semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakanbaginya. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang Allahazza wajalla akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan ia adalah sepertiorang yang berperang bersama nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid. Barangsiapa yang membaca ayat al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan nescaya Allahberkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r. a. ,Rasullullah s. a. w. bersabda,

Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy BirthDay, Ayu !!

it was on the 25th March. May all your wish come true, of course, as my birthday card from you said, not all of our wishes are the best for us. God has His own arrangements for each and everyone of us.

...Gosh i can't remember anyone i kept in touch for this long and still wishing birthday greetings. You should feel lucky, u know. i am really baDD at keeping in touch. ;)

My diary for today..

It's been a really full day for me. Just thinking of writing it down..

7.00am - woke up. prayers, bathe, prepared for work.
7.40am - drove out to work
7.55am - arrived. after waiting for 5mins, thank God i managed to get a parking space beside the building
8.05am - arrived at my desk. setup the workstation.refreshed mail.
8.20am - breakfast. one scoop of nasik goreng and another scoop of bihun. i never forget to squeeze some chilli sauce. can never take the taste of the food at the canteen for granted.
9.45am - started working.
12.00pm - lunch. picked up frens in old company.
1.15pm - back at my workstation.
2.45pm - prayers.
3.00pm - back to work.
5.30pm - gym time.
6.45pm - heading home.
7.15pm - arrived home. straight from work, took me about a decent half an hour. the time it needs for me to walk to the other side of the building, change the in house shoes, security check, walk to the car, paused at the guard house to scan out. traffic lights and of course, traffic. there, 7.15pm. take a quick bath. i havent performed the asar prayers yet. oops. my bad.
7.25pm - asar prayers. bertuah betoi. next time kena smayang dulu before p gym. ingat sempat nk balik rumah. tak sangka sampai half hour even tak singgah mana2 dulu.
7.30pm - laundry, one load.
8.00pm - prayers. prepare to go out for dinner.
8.15pm - dinner.
9.05pm - arrive home from dinner. sidai baju. kemas bilik, angkut tilam2 from my room to the room downstairs (the heavy rain flooded half my room including the bed last thursday, so i was sleeping japanese style. tak sempat nk kemas last weekend, had to perform my due diligence balik rumah my parents as soon as possible). haven't got the time to lipat baju yg bertimbun from last weekend's laundry.
9.30pm - prayers.
9.50pm - connecting to the internet. checked my 017, damn, miss-calls from office, couldn't help it, had to check my biz mail. replied one or two emails. write this blog entry. (for some reason,everything is in german. must be the problem in the connection. i bet, i might have to paste this entry and adjust it later, GINA (company line) connection problem.
10.25pm - now. i'm logging off. trying to read a new book i bought last week from borders, one or two chapters. trying to sleep early max, 11.30pm. i haven't had any rests !

i wish..

1. office hours is 9am to 5am
2. i only need 5hrs of sleep everyday. heck, somebody told me mahathir only needed 4hrs of sleep everyday.

God bless my parents, family and you and your family. May God bless the ones in need and in trouble. Maybe God protect us from His fury for we are sinners and often forgetful.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

my personal opinion on..local this moment

Just watched a short preview on the latest movie..supposedly, movie for awards type..well, i strongly believe that a preview should trigger potential audience..try this one,

an about 15sec scene of a short preview, focusing on this boy tercangak2 on top of a tree, sah2 dok skodeng sorang girl dalam bilik. if i am not mistaken, he could be charged over this, right? sexual harassment? stalker? i don't know.

..can somebody tell me why should i be interested in a movie that potrays a pervert?

as of now, i am so not a potential audience. am i the only one? i wonder.

oh dear local movies, local movies..

ok, first of all, i have to admit, i am one of those people who seems to be complaining but no suggestions. now that i have, let me start with a list of my complains.

First of all, local movies..focusing on malay movies for awards type, they just can't seem to avoid from this one particular scene :: violence on women :: rapes or almost being raped.

here's to name a few movies with a clear potrayal of violence against women;
embun - rape
sepet - almost raped
puntianak harum sundal malam (two times can u believe it! ) - almost raped. ended up the 2nd time the same lady was killed. sampai jadi hantu lah. as if, moral of the story is, see what raping can do to you.

Then, as oppose to government and law enforcer's courage to handle the mat rempit issue (there was a suggestion i read in the news to build roads with a kind of pavement that supposedly will discourage the feeling to speed on them. i wonder if they will use the money from the tax payers. regardless, wouldn't this be a waste of money? anyway, they are, trying to curb this problem), but thanks to this one low and stupid movie, Remp-It, celebrating the rotten life of this group of youngsters. I just don't get it.

Gosh!! At least Tokyo Drift made wearing seatbelts so stylo.

Don't get me started with the quality local cartoons..but just a short comment, i wonder why, tom n jerry or mickey mouse in the 60s are much much smoother that local cartoons in the 21st century? and please, oh please stop with the alih suara. It SUCKXX biGG time !!

and also, harith iskandar.

first there was this stupid 'bendul'. a clear imitation of 'mr bean' and yet he dared not to admit that. (i am not sure if he ever admitted that later, but i will keep in mind that he did not admit it the first time he was asked about this in the newspaper).

second, here's current, 'late night with harith iskandar' or is it how it was called? another clear imitation, of 'late night with david letterman'. i am so fucking sick. i wonder if his homework on this show is watching late night with david letterman and pick up his script, style (definitely, it's happening already) or perhaps, topics. cheap skate.

There i've said it. Now i'm ready for my isya' and hop into bed. Peace.
i have no big issue with what i'm doing at work. but i hate the fact that i have to get up early in the morning. it's so not my thing. tho it's not that early but being here at 8am, i hate that. i have always skipped the 8am classes in school.

Gawd !! I need parking space !

I wonder whadda f**k the night shift guys are still doing in the office. They are occupying the nearest parking lot to the building. no only that they have worked for 12hrs, but it was already 8.30am and they cars are still there. crazy people rot in the fab !

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

my personal opinion on..

Bridge to Terabithia.

I watched this movie last weekend. planning to watch 300 but i had my 17yr old sis tag along and 300 is 18PL so..i opted for Bridge to Terabithia.

Wathing this movie makes me wonder somehow, infact, it makes me, somehow...believe that there are actually things that i can do that give me better satisfaction than doing a desk job like what i'm doing right now.

It doesn't makes sense at first, but i thought, it's a kids' movie so whaddaheck, leslie (the girl) and jess (the boy) close their eyes but have their minds wide open and create their own fantasy world. i was watching the movie assuming that it is just another kids' movie, but as i continued with the story, i noticed that the characters began to talk about stuffs that i did not talk about when i was at their age. it's about their minds at their really gets to my interest.

jess - asks leslie about her scuba diving, like the essay she wrote in class.
leslie - she never went for scuba diving in her whole life..she just,..made it up.
jess - "so, you lied?"
leslie - explains that it is not a lie and that she made that up and that it's fiction.
hm..true. lies are accepted in fiction. Jess saw it as a lie coz everybody, at that age, writes an essay focusing with whatever that they see and do in their daily lives or watch on tv. but Leslie, she was already writing fictional stories...
"..and then i realized that i'm running out of oxygen in my tank, i can't continue to explore the beauty underwater any further..but then again, that's the beauty of it..."

jess - asks leslie about what her parents do.
leslie - they work at home, they're both writers.
jess - makes a conclusion saying that that explains how leslie is good at writing
leslie - "your father works at a hardware store, but do you know anything about hardware?"
jess - "no"
leslie - stresses that, it's not about your parents that makes you who you are. it's you, yourself.

Neat. And they have their own tree house, which they rebuild and decorate together. It becomes their secret hideout after school everyday. Kewl. No one bothers.
Both of them develop, not only some quality playtime but also quality things to talk about. They don't have to be engaged in kind of formal discussion like a session in the class, they were just talking while walking in the forest or sitting in their tree house, very spontaneous..(my type of best original screenplay in a movie)

And then there was a part where they wrote a false love letter, pretending to be the coolest boy in school for this girl-bully everybody hates (she imposed a dollar for the girls to use the toilet).

This really made me smile as i used to write false love letter to a girl in school whom we dislike the most when i was just about their age too. I was really enjoying the movie..

Until the girl died. Tragic accident.

Then begins the part where the boy had to deal with the sudden loss..back to being one to talk to..she was not there sitting beside him in the school bus..she was not there behind him jumping from the school bus..their tree house suddenly looked 'dead'..he shouted for her in the forest..couldn't take the loss..he squeezed the colour pastels she gave him for his birthday in the river which took her life..everything seemed to be the very brief week they spent together was like a dream...this part really strike i said, i was really beginning to enjoy the movie..Damn, i was really enjoying watching their friendship and it really hit me when they had to kill the character. I felt the loss too. Amazing. I can't remember the last time a movie has such impact on me. I am sure glad i watched this movie.
Read on the comments and see how many people are really touched and actually cried over this movie. Gosh, people are gonna remember this movie, for real.
It's the brief moment that they have made me wonder, what am i doing here at work? blank. and i certainly don't feel content. is it just the nature of being human, not to feel content? but it's not that i want more. i just don't feel it and i wanna do something else.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

oh this is so true.

kids of the 80's

kita membesar dgn menonton G-Force, Transformers,
Thundercats,Silver Hawk, Woody Woodpecker,
Chipmunks n Mickey Mouse.
Not to forget Ninja Turtles, Mask, Smurfs dan Voltron.

berus gigi time waktu rehat kat skolahrendah?
...hmm, mesti pegang cawanwarna-warni kan.
mencangkung kat tepi parit dgn
classmates semua kat seblah...

ingat tak, misi kat skolah masuk kelas dgn list
dentist appointment.
Pastu bunyi gigi member kite kene gerudi kat
bilik sebelah.
ada gigi yangberlubang, kene laa tampal.

ni sure korang igt...program minum susu di skolah.
nak galakkan budak2 time tuh minum susu.
sekotak 30 sen jek beb...

cikgu2 kalau nak denda, mesti guna pembaris
panjang warna kuning tu. pukul
tapak tangan...kan?

semangkuk mi sup ke, mihun sup ke,
50 sen jekkat kantin.

time skolah menengah, korang sure beli kasut
skolah Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz.
ada yang suka kasut high-cut yang buatan china
tu...ada yang suka stoking
tebal laaa...

internet? email? Menda alah ape tu?

CD? ape tu? kaset tape penah laa dgr..
Tiket wayang pun 5 inggit je.

kite pegi kedai runcit, beli Chickerdis, Mamee ,
Kum Kum, UFO, O-Ya, Ding
Dang chocolate balls yang ada mainan kat dlm die,
'telur' keras warna warni, 'rokok' chewing gum,
KIKI Bubble Gum.tak dilupakan, 'Ti Kam'.
bile dah abih exam, main Monopoly la, Donkey la,
Happy Family laa dlm class.

tapi bunyi loceng laa yang paling best skali.
boleh beli aiskrim ngan apekkat luar skola tuh...

lagi satu loceng masa nak pegi rehat.
tinggal kan keje skolah, jom kita
pegi makan. budak2 yg dpt Rancangan Makanan
Tambahan (RMT) mesti kluar awal.

lagi satu yang seronok mase time Pendidikan
Jasmani, PJ. main bola laa,
rounders laa...

permainan kegemaran, main guli, batu seremban,
penutup botol, batang
aiskrim, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-three',
'Police &Sentry', main kejar2 duduk...

kita hilangkan dahaga dgn aiskrim 10 sen.
yangtube aiskrim, ada byk2 color tu.
kalau nak makan, kene patahkan kat tengah2 die!

lipat kertas kecik2, pastuh buat lastik.
hmmm..nipun kita main dulu ni.
baling2 kapur laa.

hmm...budak2 skarang,
bagi diorg, diorg mane penah dgr lagu
'We Are the World, We Are the Children...'
dan lagu 'Uptown Girl' yang diorgtau,
yg Westlife nyanyi....bkn Billy Joel nyanyi...

bagi diorg, ada satu je Jerman kat dunia ni,
dan ade satu je Vietnam

AIDS wujud sejak diorg lahir.

CD pun wujud time diorg lahir

Michael Jackson dah putih dah time tu.

Diorg percaya Spiderman dgn Incredible Hulk tu
filem2 baru.

Diorg tak bley bayangkan skrin hitam putih utk
sebuah komputer.

Diorg tak penah tau pun 'Atari' dgn 'Game & Watch'.

Diorg tak percaya penah ada TV hitam putih...
dan diorg skarang tak reti nak
switch on TV kalau xde remote control.

dan diorg tak paham macam mane kite boleh
survive dkt universiti tanpa

hmm...jom kite check, kite ni dah tua ke:

1. korg paham ape yang korang baca kat atas ni,
dan korg sure tersenyum

2. kebanyakan member2 skolah menengah kite
dah kawin

3. korg sure pelik bile nengok bdak2 kecik main komputer,
selamba je

4. kita geleng kepala bile nengok bdak2 skolah
menengah guna handphone

5. kita dah tak byk sembang2 dgn member melalui
telefon lagi setiap hari

6. bile jumpe member lame dari semasa ke semasa,
seronok bile bersembang
pasal cerite2 lame, cerite2 kelakar yang kite
alami mase dulu time kecik2,
nakal2 dulu...

7. last skali, bile dah bace testimonial ni, korang
akan terpikir utk forwardkan dkt member2 lame korg.
Sure diorg suke punyelaa...hehehe

Engineers are the Best Boyfriends

Specially dedicated to all engineers out there...Message: Today's lesson - 'Engineers are the Best Boyfriends'

Let me tell you why girls should eventually marry an engineer over a Law, Management, Arts or Medical School Graduate. He has three distinct advantages over the rest of the graduates.

Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle
An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and get married and buy a house too. Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in law firm. Most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan. The arts graduate is still looking for a job. And the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital.

Advantage 2: Unmatchable industriousness
An engineer boyfriend will dedicate an unimaginable amount of his time and effort to understand you. Engineers strain really really hard to understand their work. You can believe that they will try really really hard to understand women too, just like how they understand their work, once they believe that you are the one. So even if they don't understand you initially, they will keep on trying. Even if they still do not understand, they will figure out the correct method to keep you happy(e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's worth of happiness.) And once they find out the secret formula, they will just keep on repeating it so that the desired results appear. Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you. The Management graduate who will try to control your spending, The Arts graduate who will 'change major'. And the medical school graduate who will operate on you. And you know what, it's really so easy to make engineer s believe that. You are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their project and they will be hooked to you forever.

Advantage 3: An engineer boyfriend will never betray your trust.
Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - The lawyers will lie about everything. Management graduates will cheat your money. The arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate. Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that. Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you, has no time for affairs, and too dumb to lie to you.

So girls, why procrastinate? an engineer for your boyfriend!

oh this sounds so true. so for those who are still deciding on their career, consider this, An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and get married and buy a house too

My experience with Streamyx service

finally, after a lot of troubles, i managed to get my streamyx up and running. i don't even know where to begin, but let me try my best..

1. i registered online on12th DEC 2006. i am infact entitled for a month rebate for registering online.

2. Request processed with Error Result - Sorry, the service could not be provided. Please visit the nearest Kedai Telekom for more information. Checked with tmpoint, told that they need to setup new points at my housing area, and streamyx centre will be calling me.

3. 10th Jan 2006, saja2 check my application online. - Request has been successfully processed on 20th Dec 06. Bloodyhell. Nobody called. Went to tmpoint, get the self installation cd and details on my registration. Bought my ADSL modem+router from pcdepot.

4. Self installation did not work. called tm support, 1300889515, 3 times for 1.5hrs, each time different support person, each time i need to explain my problem and each time these support people will ask me to try the same thing. lodged 2 reports, i don't know why the 1st report was closed where else there was never a successful connection.

5. 19th Jan - went to test at pcdepot. it worked well, managed to connect for 1min (as being told by one of the streamyx support person) paid rm15 to pcdepot (for nothing). came back home, again, it did not work. printed everything on the internet on streamyx troubleshooting. suspected a problem with the bloody port from my house to the exchange server.

6. 25th Jan - got an IT guy from work to test the connection using the router at his house. came back tomorrow, it worked just fine at his house. it didnt work at my house.

7. FEDUP. going to cancel streamyx. waited for a few days to calm myself down or else i'd be quite verbally harsh to these streamyx technical support guys. i am not going to repeat myself over and over again on those dumb tests, ( ur modem power on? OF COZ YOU NIMROD !! ). this is supposed to be something very easy, i have been setting up LAN connection for my friends in my study years for God's sakes. why would i chose to do the setup by myself if i can't even tell if the modem's power is ON or OFF. fucking idiots.

8. 8 feb 07 - a call from another streamyx support - "we're sending a technical support to your house to troubleshoot the problem, when will be the best time..bla bla.." OK, that is it. if this time won't work, i am so gonna cancel this bloody streamyx.

9. 9 feb 07 -
technical support - oh, your account has not been activated yet. i just received an instruction from tmnet to come to your house and activate your account. (while showing the official instruction form from tm dated 9th Feb 07).

i was like - hello, one of the support guys activated my account for me and i even confirmed the activation via sms, (showed him the sms, stated that my acc has already been activated), plus, tm able to detect my 1minute connection at the shop, under my ID. what do u mean when u said my acc is not activated, man??

technical support - saya pun xtau lah, tapi saya baru ja terima instruction nie. mmg mcm nie pun, kami contractor akan terima instruction suruh mai test and check kat rumah setiap pelanggan streamyx baru. saya baru ja terima benda nie hari nie. and your bill akan start from today onwards.

i was like - whadt?! i dah dapat la bill for this month, since last week! took out the bill and showed him.

technical support - saya pun pelik la. mesti ada error ni. take a copy of this official instruction form from tm with our signature of confirmation on your account activation, and lodge a complain on this at tmpoint.

Bloody tm level of service. are they going to pay for my phone bills for calling them for nothing? are they going to pay for my rm15 paid to pcdepot for nothing? my petrol? FUCK TMNET !!

i wonder if they even remember about the one month rebate online registration.

p/s : not only tmnet, celcom is just the same. don't get me started on that part of tm pulak.

Czech President Klaus survives Roddick's serve

OSTRAVA, Czech Republic, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus's bodyguards are trained to dive in front of bullets to ensure his safety. But apparently that does not apply to tennis balls as well.
Klaus, sitting in the front row of the Czech Republic's Davis Cup tie against the United States, was on the receiving end of a serve from
Andy Roddick, owner of the fastest serve in the game today.
Roddick's blast bounced up and hit Klaus, an avid tennis player himself, in the chest. The president was unhurt in the incident. Roddick played on unaware.
"I didn't notice that," Roddick said, smiling when told about the incident.
"But I said in warm-up that most of the time, there's a net behind the wall and I saw that this one (arena) didn't have one, so someone might be dodging some tennis balls today. But I promise you that it was nothing personal." Roddick, who holds the record for the fastest serve at 154 miles per hour (247.8 kmh) added insult to injury by going on to beat Czech
Ivo Minar in the match.

Roddick, who holds the record for the fastest serve at 154 miles per hour (247.8 kmh)…(tennis) -- that is like an F1 car speeding on a straight road..

1. how are u able to see where the ball is going?
2. imagine the high momentum the ball carries at that kind of speed. how would u sustain the pressure if u managed to hit or even 'tahan' the ball with your racquet?
3. what about long term injury on your arms and hinges and joints and tendons and muscles?


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

picture : courtesy of ayu's blog

something i have got to say...from the very beginning of the introduction of the movie, from the preview on tv, from friends' review and from what i have read...i don't think i can bring myself to watch the movie...perhaps not just yet.

yes, ayu is right, there are 2 normal stories...the KL menjerit all over again and the rich met middle class couple, bosan..bosan..zaman laila majnun nie (but we can't deny the fact that this happens and can really be a pain if it happens to you).

so, the rest of the stories, i know i would be especially touched with the scene where the husband has to let go off his wife, because, her feelings are just not there anymore. i would immediately put myself in his and her shoes. i'd feel sorry. i'd feel sad. i'd feel the hurt, it would hurt so bad if i dwell too much and not able to get myself out of the sentiment. i can't blame the wife, it is not her fault that the feeling is not there anymore. it's like's all destined to be that way. (somehow, no matter which junctions you turn in to, you will eventually end up with the destiny God has set for you). she has to get out, it hurts to lie to yourself. and i certainly feel sorry for the husband, despite everything that he has done, it's true, love could mean, letting go.