Friday, August 21, 2009

Don't we love surprises?

The pleasant ones, I mean.

I, for instance love the feeling of unwrapping my birthday gifts. Especially when it is accompanied with a surprise birthday party...such a pleasant feeling of happiness, excitement and appreciated.

And a promotion at work is also right there at the top. Let alone a bonus!

We'd hope for a promotion at work. We'd anticipate a surprise birthday party..planned by other people for us..

Don't we just love a pleasant surprise... ;)

If we love it so much, have we ever tried to ponder on the possibility of wishing and hoping for a more pleasant surprise from God the almighty? God has promised and we have always heard, "janji Allah itu benar.." Allah is true to his words.

Sesiapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah (dengan mengerjakan suruhanNya dan meninggalkan laranganNya), nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkannya), (2) Serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya dan (Ingatlah), sesiapa berserah diri bulat-bulat kepada Allah, maka Allah cukuplah baginya (untuk menolong dan menyelamatkannya). Sesungguhnya Allah tetap melakukan segala perkara yang dikehendakiNya. Allah telahpun menentukan kadar dan masa bagi berlakunya tiap-tiap sesuatu. (3). Surah 65 - At-Talaq Ayat 2-3/Ayat Seribu Dinar.

So, sit back, keep your faith and pray,

Rabbana atina fid-dun-ya hasanah, wa fil 'aa-khirati hasanatan waqinaa 'adhaban-nar

Tuhanku, kurniakanlah aku kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat, dan selamatkanlah kami dari siksaan api neraka.

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.

A reminder for me too.

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